Zum Inhalt



Start section / sub-section of your document with a header

# This is the largest header 
## This is a smaller header 
###### This is a very small header


To create line breaks, add two space characters at the end of a line.
To create paragraphs, use a blank line to separate one or more lines of text.


Q: What is the chemical formula for "coffee"?
A: CoFe2

Q: What is the chemical formula for "banana"?
A: BaNa2

Q: What is the chemical formula for "coffee"?  
A: CoFe2

Q: What is the chemical formula for "banana"?  
A: BaNa2

Emphasize text

You can add emphasis by making text bold, italic, strikethrough or combine them alltogether.

Text emphasis

This is bold text
This is italic text
This is bold italic text
this is strikethrough
This is strikethrough bold italic text

**This is bold text**  
*This is italic text*  
***This is bold italic text***  
~~this is strikethrough~~  
~~***This is strikethrough bold italic text***~~  


[Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin](https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/)  
[Zuse Institute Berlin](https://zib.de)



ZIB Logos

Image title
ZIB Logos

![ZIB Logos](https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/media/media/oea/vorlagen/cd/logos/hzb/hzb-logo-a4-rgb.jpg){ align=left width="300" }

<figure markdown="span">
  ![Image title](https://www.zib.de/sites/default/files/pressmaterial_previews/Logovorschau_0.png){ align=left width="300" }
  <figcaption>ZIB Logos</figcaption>



Method Description
GET Fetch resource
PUT Update resource
DELETE Delete resource
| Method   | Description                          |
| -------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `GET`    | :material-check:     Fetch resource  |
| `PUT`    | :material-check-all: Update resource |
| `DELETE` | :material-close:     Delete resource |



flowchart LR
    A[Create Issue] --> B[Create MR];
    B[Create MR] --> C[Pull/Checkout Branch];
    C[Pull/Checkout Branch] --> D[Commit/Push];
    D[Commit/Push] --> E[Merge]; 
 flowchart LR
     A[Create Issue] --> B[Create MR];
     B[Create MR] --> C[Pull/Checkout Branch];
     C[Pull/Checkout Branch] --> D[Commit/Push];
     D[Commit/Push] --> E[Merge]; 